+254-798 959 217 / +254-771 370 824

Undergraduate Degree Details

Admission Requirements

A candidate must satisfy any of the following minimum requirements:


  •  Be a holder of at least C+ (plus) in KCSE and C (plain) in Mathematics and English/Kiswahili


  •  Be a holder of a three year (3) Diploma recognized by senate in Business Management


  • Be a holder of any other relevant qualification recognized by University senate


Eight (8) Semesters

Academic Calendar

  • Semester One runs from September-December
  • Semester two runs from January-April

Graduation Requirements

To be considered for the award of a Bachelor Degree a candidate must have taken and passed in all units including research project. The student should have attended all the 40 units.

Classification of Degree

The Degree awarded shall be classified in accordance with the mean score of the aggregated marks of the unit obtained for the degree course. Accordingly, the Bachelor of Commerce shall be classified as follows;

Mean Aggregate Marks            Class of the Degree

70% ≤ Average≤ 100%              First Class

 60% ≤ Average < 69%                Second Class Upper Division

 50% ≤ Average < 59%                Second Class Lower Division

40% Average < 49%                   Pass